Men are often interested in how to increase potency at home. There are many ways, but before using them, you need to consult a doctor.

Traditional methods
Many men try to raise potency with folk remedies. From a medical point of view, this is acceptable and generally safe. However, you need to understand the limits that folk methods that improve potency have.
What do we get from homemade decoctions and tinctures? Alternative medicine specialists may say whatever they want, but folk recipes only provide nutrients. This is very useful for male potency, but the effect of decoctions and tinctures cannot be compared with the effect that can be achieved with drugs.
Here we mean not biologically active additives and not vitamin-mineral complexes. We're talking about drugs like antibiotics for prostatitis. Each of the remedies works differently, but they solve certain problems. While traditional methods are only an auxiliary treatment. It makes sense to use them only after the main treatment for prostatitis or impotence in order to consolidate the results.
Before treating potency at home, it is advisable to talk with your doctor. You may already have problems in your body that require more radical treatment. And using folk methods will be a waste of precious time.
Garlic tincture
The simplest answer to the question of how to increase potency is to eat garlic. However, it should be eaten fresh, which is not to everyone's taste. Therefore, traditional medicine has prepared several useful recipes for garlic tincture:
- We take peeled, chopped garlic. We weigh - we need 1 kilogram. Pour the garlic into a three-liter jar. After that, in another container, mix 0. 5 liters of vodka and 0. 5 liters of pure water. Pour the resulting diluted alcohol into the garlic. We insist for seven days, sometimes churning the contents. We drink 3 tsp. three times daily, 30 minutes before meals. The treatment course ends with the volume of the tincture. One such course of folk remedy for potency is enough for a year;
- Peel and finely chop the garlic again until you gain a kilogram. Pour into a jar with a capacity of 3 liters. We fill the container to the brim with boiled water. We put in a cool place where there is no access to the sun's rays for a week. We shake the container daily to make the effect of the tincture on potency stronger. We drink in the same way as in the previous recipe. It is advisable to drink it with milk;
- For this recipe for increasing male potency, one head of garlic is enough. We rub the peeled cloves on a grater. We take the smallest saucepan. We pour here 300 ml of quality white wine. Fill in the garlic, mix. We are waiting for it to boil. At the lowest power, covered with a lid, cook for no more than 60 seconds. We are waiting for it to cool down, put it in the refrigerator. We drink a small sip three times a day, before meals. We are treated for three days, we rest for three days, and so on.

It's hard to find a man who would love to consume celery. However, celery is one of the healthiest vegetables for potency. To make it easier to "cope" with it, prepare juice from the stems and rhizomes of the plant. Add 20 ml to any other cold drink. Best of all - in freshly squeezed pumpkin juice.

Ginger was especially often used for potency by oriental healers. Ginger rhizomes will help restore male potency. The plant will give up most of the nutrients if it is used by the following methods:
- Pickling. We clean and thinly cut the fresh rhizome. Prepare a marinade from 400 ml of rice vinegar and 5 teaspoons of sugar with a small top. Pour the prepared ginger into a glass jar, pour the marinade. Close and shake. If prepared in the evening, in the morning the ginger will be ready to help male potency;
- Mix honey and ginger in equal proportions. Instead of chopped fresh rhizomes, you can use powdered ginger. This spice is easy to find in brick-and-mortar stores. We put it in the refrigerator, in two weeks it will be ready. We eat two teaspoons in the evening;
- Grind the ginger. Pour it into a glass jar, and then pour the vodka here so that it covers the main ingredient. Strain our tincture in two weeks. In the evening, we use 25 drops.
Kegel gymnastics
In the middle of the 20th century, Dr. Arnold Kegel developed his own exercises that strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. They were invented for the fair sex suffering from enuresis. But later it turned out that such exercises also have an increasing effect on potency. In addition, from a scientific point of view, Kegel gymnastics at home is the best way to prevent prostatitis.
The essence of the exercise is to find and strengthen the muscles that are in contact with the male reproductive system. Normally, this muscle group holds the peritoneal and pelvic organs in place. However, both men and women rarely strain her when moving. The pelvis weakens, organs shift, and blood circulation deteriorates. As a result, prostatitis occurs and male potency is impaired.
List of movements
The first thing to do when starting Kegel exercises is to find the muscle group you need. Do not just know where it is located, but feel and be able to perform the basic movement. This is easy enough to do: stop the stream while urinating. The muscle that you used is needed to increase potency.
When urinating, you can also do a basic set of exercises:
- Stop the jet, if possible - several times;
- When the jet has gone, make it slower, but so that it continues;
- In this case, you can not strain the abdominal or gluteal muscles;
- At first, it may turn out badly - which means that you should continue the exercises until it comes out.

At any time, you can try the following movements, which help to improve potency:
- Very slowly we reach the maximum muscle tension. A good result is when you manage to stretch the process for five seconds;
- Then, in the same way, for five seconds, gently relax these muscles;
- When the penis is erect, try moving it;
- Try to tighten your Kegel muscles during intimate contact.
Remember the following points:
- At first, to make it easier, you can do exercises lying down;
- After about a month of daily activities, the man should be able to flex the muscle for ten seconds;
- When performing Kegel exercises, do not touch the target muscle group with your fingers.
Other exercises
Any man can use exercises for potency at home. One of the simplest exercises is regular squats. They stimulate blood circulation, relieve a man from stagnant processes. High testosterone levels are restored, and the man forgets that he recently suffered from poor potency. Doing this exercise for potency is easy in your home or apartment.
To increase potency, you need to perform squats in a slightly peculiar way. We put our legs slightly wider than the shoulder girdle. The socks should point in different directions. Squatting to increase potency, you should first set the tension in the gluteal muscles.
The foot should sit firmly on the surface. We lower the buttocks in squats as low as possible, this is the only way to increase potency. At the lowest possible point, you need to stand for a couple of seconds without moving. Then the man lifts his buttocks up, as in regular squats. The gluteal muscles cannot be relaxed for a second. Ten reps in two approaches will be enough.
List of movements
Also try the following exercises to increase potency at home:
- Pelvic rotation. Well suited for morning exercises, improve not only potency, but also mood. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, hands - on the belt. We rotate the pelvis - forty clockwise movements, and the same amount against. This allows for increased blood circulation in the genital area. It also strengthens the lumbar muscles, which are necessary for energetic and long frictions;
- Slopes. We put our feet a little wider than the shoulder girdle. We bend the body, try to touch the floor with our fingers. At first, twenty repetitions in three approaches will be enough. We gradually increase the load, up to fifty slopes. We don't increase the load anymore, we continue to train in this range. This is an excellent potency-increasing remedy. Not only blood circulation improves, but also the work of nerves in the genital area;
- Big steps. It is advisable to perform this movement in the morning, on an empty stomach. We take two light dumbbells, weighing no more than ten kilograms. Keep your back straight, upper limbs with dumbbells looking down. We walk so that the body slowly sags, and the knee angle is 90 degrees. We change legs. A man, performing this exercise at home, quickly increases the level of his potency.